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An illustration of the Infinitus AI system graphic with review stars appearing above it in quote bubbles.
Frequently, our customers have described the Infinitus AI agent as a super-productive member of their teams. And while we focus on creating products that augment busy healthcare workers – and don’t replace them – we understand why some think of our agent like a coworker. We’re officially in the era of “AI co-workers” after all. But...
A graphic depicting an empty classroom of desks, with a whiteboard at the front.
This piece is excerpted from Separating AI fact from fiction: A guide for healthcare leaders. You can read the full ebook here. If what’s written about in popular media were to be believed, there’s nothing AI can’t quickly and easily automate. In reality, that’s not exactly the case – especially when it comes to sensitive,...
An illustration of a gear with an alarm clock at its center, visibly appearing to ring, on a teal backdrop.
The recently released 2024 Future Health Index zeroed in on something all healthcare workers have known for some time: staffing shortages are hindering the ability to provide the best possible patient experience.  The good news is, per the report, it seems healthcare leaders have realized that a solution may be found in the automation of...
An illustration of the new model architecture described in the article, placed on a yellow background.
We’re excited to share a new model architecture that outperforms other approaches for phone call automation in our real world, healthcare setting. The model is a graph aware language transformer, which has more flexibility than traditional model pipelines and more reliability (meaning no hallucinations), as well as lower latency than the latest prompt models for...
A graphic of an exclamation point emerging from a question mark on an orange background.
We often speak about the importance of humans in the loop in AI, and how Infinitus uses humans in concert with our purpose-built AI system. Our human experts serve a number of roles in our ecosystem, including stepping into live calls the Infinitus AI agent is conducting with payor representatives. This may occur if the...
A graphic depicting the knowledge graph, and how it fits into the Infinitus purpose-built AI system.
Our customers have referred to the Infinitus AI agent as the best performer on their team. And while the AI agent – we call her Eva – may seem like magic to the payor representatives she speaks to, it is in fact the Infinitus knowledge graph that powers her capabilities.  Those capabilities are anything but...
A graphic illustration of what looks like a digital assistant, with "This is not an AI agent" below it, written in French, as an homage to the famous Magritte work "Ceci n'est pas une pipe."
AI agents are everywhere, with some news outlets proclaiming them to be the future of AI. We don’t disagree.  At Infinitus, we talk a lot about our AI agent and the technology that powers it. Also known as Eva, the Infinitus AI agent makes phone calls to commercial and government payors on behalf of healthcare...
Preview image for the post titled, "The Infinitus AI machine." Image is a black background with vibrant colored 3D versions of the Infinitus logo and a type overlay.
How we use humans in concert with our multi-model, multimodal AI system to deliver real efficiency to over a dozen Fortune 500 healthcare customers Automating administrative phone calls in healthcare is no easy feat. The benefit verifications and prior authorization inquiries Infinitus automates can be an hour long, with hundreds of back-and-forth interactions that require...
A graphic depiction of a fulcrum, with a human brain on one side and a computer on the other.
If you ask many experts, they’ll tell you AI is a discipline within computer science. After all, AI is concerned with creating computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence; it makes logical sense.  I understand where those that label AI as computer science are coming from. But I also disagree with them. ...
An orange graphic depicting the words: Navigate copay accumulators and maximizers with AI.
Increasingly employer-sponsored plans are including copay accumulators, copay maximizers, or alternative funding sources as part of their plan design. In fact, estimates suggest about half of all lives covered by commercial insurance are enrolled in a plan that utilizes a copay accumulator and/or a maximizer.  If your team is responsible for guiding individuals through coverage...
An illustration of nesting dolls, depicted as an analogy for the relationship between chatbots and conversational AI.
Chatbots are everywhere in healthcare news, with some outlets even proclaiming the AI-powered technology to be “the future of healthcare.”  At the same time, you’ve likely heard about conversational AI’s potential to transform the industry too.  But when it comes to provider- or payor-facing communications, like phone calls to retail pharmacies or major medical insurance...
An illustration of a man holding a boulder on his back. The boulder is labeled "AI."
2023 will go down in history as the year artificial intelligence in its current incarnation went mainstream, and it won’t be slowing down this year. To many, the technology’s arrival – and pressure to be incorporated at work – felt sudden. Regardless, the healthcare industry is in dire need of the kind of help AI...

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