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The copy "New! Instant AI benefit verification solution for Medicare Part B" appears on a blue background.
Today, more than 34.2 million Americans are enrolled in original Medicare plans. This can create a challenge for pharma hubs, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and healthcare providers, which must understand Medicare Part B coverage before treatment can proceed.  That’s why Infinitus is excited to announce our newest offering: instantaneous Medicare Part B benefit verifications. With our new...
Preview image for the post titled, "The Infinitus AI machine." Image is a black background with vibrant colored 3D versions of the Infinitus logo and a type overlay.
How we use humans in concert with our multi-model, multimodal AI system to deliver real efficiency to over a dozen Fortune 500 healthcare customers Automating administrative phone calls in healthcare is no easy feat. The benefit verifications and prior authorization inquiries Infinitus automates can be an hour long, with hundreds of back-and-forth interactions that require...
An orange graphic depicting the words: Navigate copay accumulators and maximizers with AI.
Increasingly employer-sponsored plans are including copay accumulators, copay maximizers, or alternative funding sources as part of their plan design. In fact, estimates suggest about half of all lives covered by commercial insurance are enrolled in a plan that utilizes a copay accumulator and/or a maximizer.  If your team is responsible for guiding individuals through coverage...
A red and blue Great Place to Work certified banner appears on a yellow rectangular background.
On March 1, we celebrated Employee Appreciation Day, a great opportunity to stop and take a moment to celebrate what makes Infinitus a place I truly love to work: the people. As our CEO Ankit Jain says, everything we’ve achieved “starts and ends with our people.”  Today, I’m so excited to announce that we have...
A black-and-white group photo of the Infinitus team at an off-site event.
February marked a milestone for Infinitus as we celebrated five years. From the initial spark of an idea, to the role Bruce Willis played in early tests, to the real change Infinitus is effecting on the healthcare ecosystem today, it’s been quite a journey.  As we reflect on half a decade of Infinitus, we sat...
Infinitus logo next to the Google Cloud logo
San Francisco — Aug. 29, 2023 — Infinitus Systems, Inc., the AI platform for healthcare communications, today announced it is expanding its use of Google Cloud AI technologies to automate payor-facing medical and pharmacy benefit verifications and prior authorization calls. 
Product announcement about prior authorization follow up automation
When it comes to prior authorizations (PAs), ePA or 278 solutions aren’t enough. It’s often challenging to resolve complex or time-sensitive prior authorizations electronically. Details such as PA status, denial reasons, and appeal options either aren’t readily available or the turnaround time is too long. In these cases, healthcare providers’ staff often manually call a...
Infinitus presents at the Association for Computational Linguistics Conference 2023
Recently, Arushi Raghuvanshi, Infinitus’ machine learning lead, presented the results of an Infinitus research project at the Association for Computational Linguistics annual meeting. The resulting research paper, “Leveraging Explicit Procedural Instructions for Data-Efficient Action Prediction,” explored leveraging explicitly stored agent guidelines, such as company policies, customer service manuals, or documents on standard operating procedures, to...
image of the SIS logo next to the Infinitus logo
When it comes to benefit verifications, ambulatory surgery centers are under intense pressure to turn around authorizations quickly. However, it’s not uncommon for this crucial task to take longer than expected. Coverage information online is often incomplete, and staff must make multiple calls to payors to close out inquiries and ensure procedural dates are met....
image of the Gramercy Surgery Center logo next to the Infinitus logo
San Francisco — May 16, 2023 — Infinitus Systems, Inc., the Conversational AI Platform for Healthcare, today announced that Gramercy Surgery Center, the #1 Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) in New York, has chosen Infinitus to automate tedious and time consuming tasks of insurance verification and prior authorization across its care sites. With Infinitus, Gramercy aims...
Image showing that Fast Company named Infinitus one of the world's most innovative companies.
We are excited to announce that Infinitus has been named one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies for 2023! It is an honor to join the ranks of organizations such as OpenAI, DeepMind, Nvidia, Unlearn, Roblox, and more.
Great place to work award
For the second year in a row, Infinitus is certified as a great place to work!

See why more healthcare orgs choose Infinitus over any other conversational AI.

Join over 40,000 providers creating more time for patients.