Picture today’s tech landscape as a pendulum in motion, swinging between two distinct poles. At one extreme, there’s a somewhat prevalent notion where AI not only equals, but eventually outshines human intelligence. On the other side, there’s a lingering concern that AI could displace human roles, rendering us obsolete. 

This narrative overlooks the fertile middle ground where balance resides.

At Infinitus, we see things differently. Instead, we firmly believe that AI isn’t at its zenith when it operates in complete isolation from human involvement. The magic happens when humans and AI join forces, each contributing their unique strengths to the synergy. As proof of this, one need look no further than how humans improve one of the most critical facets of AI’s use in healthcare: accuracy.

The future: Collaboration between AI and humans

In the world of healthcare, where precision and accuracy are paramount, the partnership between AI and humans is a game-changer. AI possesses a unique edge in handling back-office transactions that involve the exchange of information. It excels at streamlining processes, eliminating tedious tasks, and minimizing the margin for error.

However, in patient-facing interactions that demand empathy and nuanced understanding, AI still has room for growth. This is where human expertise shines. By working together, AI and humans can bridge these gaps, providing a holistic and efficient healthcare experience – as we’ve written about before.

At Infinitus, we see human intervention in healthcare back-office transactions as a powerful and vital guardrail. In fact, it’s not just about enhancing AI’s accuracy; it’s also about building trust and guiding change management. As we stride into a future where humans and technology collaborate more closely than ever, these guardrails will play a crucial role.

Humans as guardians of AI’s precision

Even in this era of advanced AI, there are moments when it can get tripped up. At Infinitus, we see times when our digital assistant encounters uncertainty, and it’s during these moments that our sophisticated validations feature comes into play. 

This remarkable tool excels at identifying specific data elements – collected during a call – that may warrant a second look. Think of it as an intuitive validation feature, continuously learning and fine-tuning its recommendations based on millions of calls, but a feature that requires humans in order to function.

Consider this scenario: during a call, an agent mentions a specialty pharmacy name like “CVX Pharma.” Our digital assistant can push back and seek to clarify, but that may not get a resolution. In this case, our data validations system identifies and flags this to a member of the operations team along with intelligent recommendations – here, “CVS Caremark Specialty Pharmacy.” The human in the loop meticulously reviews the flagged data element, leveraging the data validations system to provide high quality and accurate results to providers.

This additional layer of human involvement serves as a robust safeguard, ensuring that we provide accurate information and benefits to patients in dire need of assistance. Once again, it’s not about AI replacing humans; it’s about AI and humans coming together to create something greater than the sum of their individual parts.

A seamless healthcare experience

The future of healthcare isn’t a binary choice between 100% AI or 100% human intervention. It’s about leveraging our strengths based on the use case. In healthcare, where a mistake could be unforgivable, AI will complement human expertise, enhancing precision and efficiency. Our validation tool is a perfect encapsulation of that notion.

Our commitment to the synergy between AI and humans isn’t just a philosophy; it’s a practical approach that benefits our customers, organizations like patient access programs, specialty pharmacies, and ambulatory surgery centers. These entities are often inundated with administrative tasks required to help patients receive care, leaving them with limited time to provide the personal touch that those patients value.

By welcoming AI as a collaborator rather than a competitor, these healthcare providers can redirect their focus and talents towards meaningful patient-centric tasks. The ultimate goal is to ensure that patients receive the care they need as swiftly as possible. Automation becomes an invaluable ally for those dedicated to providing care – and automation requires accuracy in order to achieve that outcome.

To learn more about how Infinitus prioritized human-AI collaboration in our offerings, reach out to us or watch a demo.