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A graphic illustration of what looks like a digital assistant, with "This is not an AI agent" below it, written in French, as an homage to the famous Magritte work "Ceci n'est pas une pipe."
Preview image for the post titled, "The Infinitus AI machine." Image is a black background with vibrant colored 3D versions of the Infinitus logo and a type overlay.
A graphic depiction of a fulcrum, with a human brain on one side and a computer on the other.
An orange graphic depicting the words: Navigate copay accumulators and maximizers with AI.
An illustration of nesting dolls, depicted as an analogy for the relationship between chatbots and conversational AI.
An illustration of a man holding a boulder on his back. The boulder is labeled "AI."
An illustration of a clapperboard with the words "The call: benefit verification" written on its side.
An illustration depicting a crystal ball, with a patient at its center.
A graphic depicting a checklist of pros and cons, with the "pros" category filled out.
An illustration that depicts a checklist of reasons benefit verification is a strong candidate for AI and automation.
An illustrated image of a box, with floating cubes and magnifying glasses.
A graphic image of a dictionary with bookmarks signifying key terms.

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