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Healthcare automation

A graphic depicting a slot machine, but with icons relevant to the advice included in the post (a coffee cup, calendar, and clock).
There’s a lot to see and do at Asembia’s AXS24 Summit, and more people than you could ever hope to meet in just five days. Which means it takes some preparation to successfully navigate what others have dubbed “spring prom” for the specialty pharmacy industry. I’ve been attending the summit for 10 years, which means...
A graphic of an outlet with a cord coming out of it.
Since Change Healthcare abruptly shut down its network Feb. 21, disruptions across the healthcare landscape have been far reaching. One unforeseen result has been a backlog of calls to payors and pharmacies, making it even harder for providers to get access to live agents on the phone. In an analysis of calls made by the...
A graphic depiction of a fulcrum, with a human brain on one side and a computer on the other.
If you ask many experts, they’ll tell you AI is a discipline within computer science. After all, AI is concerned with creating computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence; it makes logical sense.  I understand where those that label AI as computer science are coming from. But I also disagree with them. ...
An orange graphic depicting the words: Navigate copay accumulators and maximizers with AI.
Increasingly employer-sponsored plans are including copay accumulators, copay maximizers, or alternative funding sources as part of their plan design. In fact, estimates suggest about half of all lives covered by commercial insurance are enrolled in a plan that utilizes a copay accumulator and/or a maximizer.  If your team is responsible for guiding individuals through coverage...
Technically, the annual insurance reverification period (often known as blizzard) lasts just a handful of weeks. However, reality tells a different story. We know our customers spend months preparing for each January, when patients’ access to medication can be put into question because of changes to formularies, deductibles, and out-of-pocket requirements.  With this year’s blizzard...
An illustration of nesting dolls, depicted as an analogy for the relationship between chatbots and conversational AI.
Chatbots are everywhere in healthcare news, with some outlets even proclaiming the AI-powered technology to be “the future of healthcare.”  At the same time, you’ve likely heard about conversational AI’s potential to transform the industry too.  But when it comes to provider- or payor-facing communications, like phone calls to retail pharmacies or major medical insurance...
An illustration of a man holding a boulder on his back. The boulder is labeled "AI."
2023 will go down in history as the year artificial intelligence in its current incarnation went mainstream, and it won’t be slowing down this year. To many, the technology’s arrival – and pressure to be incorporated at work – felt sudden. Regardless, the healthcare industry is in dire need of the kind of help AI...
An illustration of a clapperboard with the words "The call: benefit verification" written on its side.
It’s just a phone call. What could be so complicated? At first consideration, conducting – and even automating – phone calls to major medical payors and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to perform benefit verifications doesn’t seem as if it should be all that complex. After all, these calls are extremely common, extremely frequent, and entirely necessary....
An illustration of a human and and a robot hand "pinky swearing."
While AI is dominating many conversations in healthcare, relatively few organizations in the space actually use generative AI tools, according to a recent survey. Among the primary reasons why are concerns about hallucinations, accuracy, and reliability. At Infinitus, we are committed to our mission of improving access, adherence, and affordability in healthcare – but along...
An illustration depicting a crystal ball, with a patient at its center.
If the ultimate goal of patient support programs is to create holistic, patient-centric ecosystems of assistance, 2023 saw strides forward. Patient support programs are better than ever at creating and analyzing meaningful data and have improved dramatically at providing the personalized engagement that patients desire. But there is still more to be done.  In 2024,...
A graphic depicting a checklist of pros and cons, with the "pros" category filled out.
At Infinitus, we spend a lot of time talking about the advantages of benefit verification automation. AI can transform healthcare’s back-office administrative processes, helping create time for the industry to improve access, adherence, and affordability – something we’re committed to as an organization. But why is benefit verification, specifically, a strong fit for automation?  Read...
An illustration that depicts a checklist of reasons benefit verification is a strong candidate for AI and automation.
Benefit verification is one of the first steps after a patient schedules an appointment or is prescribed medication, but that doesn’t mean it’s a quick, easy, or inexpensive task. In fact, studies show that up to a quarter of total national healthcare costs can be chalked up to administrative expenses like benefit verification. Despite attempts...

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