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A graphic of five pill bottles, with one designed to look like Waldo of "Where's Waldo?" fame.
Popular weight-loss medications Wegovy and Saxenda are somehow both everywhere and nowhere.  It’s nearly impossible to avoid the headlines about these injectables, part of a class of medication known as GLP-1 agonists that were originally intended to treat type 2 diabetes or severe obesity. The media has detailed which celebrities might be taking them and...
An illustration depicting a crystal ball, with a patient at its center.
If the ultimate goal of patient support programs is to create holistic, patient-centric ecosystems of assistance, 2023 saw strides forward. Patient support programs are better than ever at creating and analyzing meaningful data and have improved dramatically at providing the personalized engagement that patients desire. But there is still more to be done.  In 2024,...
A graphic depicting a checklist of pros and cons, with the "pros" category filled out.
At Infinitus, we spend a lot of time talking about the advantages of benefit verification automation. AI can transform healthcare’s back-office administrative processes, helping create time for the industry to improve access, adherence, and affordability – something we’re committed to as an organization. But why is benefit verification, specifically, a strong fit for automation?  Read...
An illustrated image of a box, with floating cubes and magnifying glasses.
Depending on your company and role within healthcare, you’re either researching AI, experimenting with AI, or scaling up your approach. But regardless of where you are in your AI journey, there are a number of questions to answer and items to mull over.  Here are some key considerations to weigh as you embark upon creating...
A graphic showing a person with the ChatGPT icon on their shirt, standing in a hole the shape of a medical cross, with a question mark above their head.
We’re often asked whether the Infinitus digital assistant uses ChatGPT, or on a more general level, whether ChatGPT can automate calls from healthcare providers to payors like Infinitus does. After all, based on the media coverage OpenAI’s chatbot has received, it almost seems as if there’s nothing ChatGPT can’t do.  It’s worth noting that ChatGPT...
An illustrated image of two boxes, one marked "fact" and one marked "fiction," with a magnifying glass between them.
AI is everywhere – dominating headlines, business meetings, and even conversations at the dining room table. But as healthcare and pharma leaders, and not necessarily AI experts, many of our customers and partners have questions about the technology.  Machine learning, deep learning, large language models (LLMs), generative AI … these terms are all interconnected, but...
An image of a robot hand and human hand touching at the index finger.
The COVID-19 pandemic increased the amount of time we spend communicating through screens instead of in person. The result: a growing sense of isolation, one that the US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy believes contributed to an “epidemic of loneliness.” This highlights a paradox: Healthcare, one of the most personal of services, now lacks connection...
A graphic depicting the challenges involved in ePA and eBV, and how Infinitus can streamline them.
Healthcare professionals generally gravitate to the field because they genuinely want to help people. In my experience, from senior clinicians to researchers to administrative staff, everyone’s goal is to ensure patients get the right treatment as quickly as possible. One thing not on their career plan? Spending hours on the phone trying to complete benefit...
A graphic showing a machine with question marks entering and checked boxes exiting the other side.
As the American Medical Association puts it, prior authorization creates “a huge administrative burden” for healthcare providers that often delays patient care. Despite this, reports suggest prior authorizations are increasingly common – and are increasingly leading to problems. The good news is: Prior authorization automation – especially in patient access programs – can be a...
An image representing the Infinitus digital assistant asking a human agent how their experience was. The human agent responds, "Absolutely amazing! Honestly, this call has been the best one I've had all day!
To date, Infinitus automates calls on behalf of healthcare providers to more than 500 payors. Those calls are faster and result in more accurate data for our customers, but we’re still often asked: Why do payors take calls from the Infinitus digital assistant? As it is for healthcare providers, digital transformation is a top priority...
Woman bundled in winter weather gear sits at a laptop, looking overwhelmed
The new year is a time of hope and renewal, of setting goals and refocusing on the big picture. But it is also a time of uncertainty when it comes to health insurance; with the new year comes changes in health insurance coverage, cost share, and authorization requirements. This annual cycle creates uncertainty for patients about...
isometric illustration of a neural network model made from pills representing AI in healthcare
Recently there have been huge advancements in the ability of large language models (LLMs) to handle conversational systems. In many practical industry settings, the conversational AI systems we want to build are task-oriented dialog systems (TODs). In these systems, the goal is to help a user complete a task or collect certain information. For many...

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