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An illustration of a man holding a boulder on his back. The boulder is labeled "AI."
An illustration of a clapperboard with the words "The call: benefit verification" written on its side.
An illustration of a human and and a robot hand "pinky swearing."
A graphic of five pill bottles, with one designed to look like Waldo of "Where's Waldo?" fame.
An illustration depicting a crystal ball, with a patient at its center.
A graphic depicting a checklist of pros and cons, with the "pros" category filled out.
An illustration that depicts a checklist of reasons benefit verification is a strong candidate for AI and automation.
An illustrated image of a box, with floating cubes and magnifying glasses.
A graphic showing a person with the ChatGPT icon on their shirt, standing in a hole the shape of a medical cross, with a question mark above their head.
A graphic image of a dictionary with bookmarks signifying key terms.
An illustrated image of two boxes, one marked "fact" and one marked "fiction," with a magnifying glass between them.
An image of a robot hand and human hand touching at the index finger.

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